Public input sought into major events strategy

The City of Greater Geelong is asking for community input to develop a new major events strategy, which will help the City deliver and attract major events, festivals, and cultural gatherings.
THE City of Greater Geelong is actively seeking community feedback on its new Major Events Attraction Strategy, with the aim of transforming Geelong into a premier destination for events, festivals, and cultural gatherings.
This strategy is designed to diversify the city’s portfolio of major events and enhance its unique attributes.
Mayor Trent Sullivan expressed enthusiasm for this initiative, emphasising its potential to drive economic growth and community engagement.
“The City is dedicated to fostering a dynamic events landscape that not only showcases our region’s unique attributes but also drives economic prosperity and community engagement,” Cr Sullivan said.
“This new Major Events Attraction Strategy will build upon our past successes and chart a course for Geelong’s continued prominence on the global events stage.”
A key part of realising the strategy will be the completion of the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre precinct
Last week, the Victorian Minister for Regional Development, Gayle Tierney, announced a formal agreement between the Victorian Government and Plenary Conventions.
This agreement marks the beginning of work on the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre precinct.
The precinct is expected to host various events, ranging from large corporate conferences to international music gigs and local community gatherings.
The Victorian Government is investing $423 million in the precinct, with the Australian Government contributing $30 million and the City of Greater Geelong $3 million. This project is part of the tripartite Geelong City Deal.
The precinct partnership confirms that Plenary Conventions will invest an initial $120 million to establish Geelong’s largest hotel, with a further $130 million planned for a mixed-use development within the precinct.
Geelong has gained global recognition for hosting international standard major events.
In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the city successfully held 18 major events, contributing an economic benefit of $77.5 million to the region.
While the existing Geelong Major Events Strategy (2016-2026) has been instrumental, the evolving landscape necessitates a timely review and the development of a new strategy to address current challenges and opportunities.
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