Quarry given the green light

June 12, 2021 BY

REHABILTATION work is set to begin on an unused quarry North of Lara following the green light from the City of Greater Geelong’s Planning Committee.

The project, which is anticipated to improve the environment and public safety, was passed by the Planning Committee who voted unanimously in favour of the rehabilitation work.

Upgrades will be made to the eastern side of the former quarry located at 555 Sandy Creek Road, Little River.

The sand quarry, which was operational between 1984 and 2013, will be landscaped and planted out with a former waterway to be restored.

Despite the project citing enhanced environmental and safety outcomes, the permit application received 16 objections with two later being withdrawn.

Concerns were made in relation to truck use as well the type of fill to be used for the rehabilitation.

In response the applicant confirmed the fill will be in accordance with EPA standards as well as the truck route aligning with Lara’s Traffic Management Plan.

The applicant further accepted the conditions put forward by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority.

Planning Committee chair Cr Kylie Gryzbek said she was satisfied that the concerns of the community had been addressed.

“The committee felt that the environmental and landscape benefits of these works would be significant, bringing life back to a disused site,” she said.

“The conditions put in place via the permit give the community assurance about any of the concerns they had. All in all, it’s a positive result.”

During the same hearing the committee voted against permitting the use of land to operate a disability service at 20 Idris Avenue, Lovely Banks.

The land is located in a rural living zone and received 30 objections with concerns over traffic, non-compliance with local laws, clarity of information submitted as well as waste water infrastructure and property devaluation.

“The use of this property for running a business with a substantial number of people visiting is not in line with our planning policy, which aims to protect this area as a place for peaceful rural living,” Cr Grzybek said.