Queenscliff Music Festival “extremely unlikely” to go ahead

September 22, 2021 BY

It is doubtful the Queenscliff Music Festival will go ahead in its usual form in 2021. Photo: QUEENSCLIFF MUSIC FESTIVAL

THIS year’s Queenscliff Music Festival (QMF) is “extremely unlikely” to go ahead in November, according to organisers.

In an update posted on their Facebook page earlier this week, QMF festival director Andrew Orvis said his organisation “cannot responsibly proceed into October without confidence and assurances in place to be able to hold any type of event in November”.

“Sadly, it looks extremely unlikely that we’ll be able to hold the festival we had originally planned for this year’s November event.

“We are, however, working extremely hard right now to salvage some form of an event for November 2021. The government’s roadmap out of lockdown suggests that by the end of November a smaller event may be possible.”

In the likely event that the QMF is unable to go ahead as planned, it will be postponed until November 2022, and ticketholders will be given the opportunity to either request a refund or hold on to their ticket for next year’s festival.

If a new, smaller event can go ahead in November, tickets will go on sale for this separately.

“So while we don’t have solid answers for you just yet… they’re coming very soon and we thank you for your patience,” Mr Orvis said.

“We just need a little more time as we have some things brewing that might be some good news we all desperately need!”

He encouraged anyone eligible to go and get vaccinated, and said QMF was supporting the #VaxTheNation campaign recently launched by the live entertainment industry.