Queenscliffe Historical Museum keeps packing up ahead of rebuild

August 6, 2020 BY

John Greenwood instructs packers at the Queenscliff Historical Museum.

VOLUNTEERS at the Queenscliffe Historical Museum (QHM) have resumed packing up the museum’s contents ahead of the building’s knockdown and rebuild.
The museum – which will join the town’s library and visitor information centre in the proposed Queenscliff Hub – closed to the public on March 25 in line with government requirements around the COVID-19 pandemic.
QHM publicity officer Eddie Loughnan said the museum’s Committee of Management had kept planning the museum’s requirements in the Hub behind closed doors, as well as interacting with customers by internet where possible and starting preparations to transfer all of the museum’s contents to temporary accommodation.
“The identification of and agreements on that accommodation are close to being concluded and details will soon be announced.”
He said the state government’s Stage 3 lockdown in Melbourne and the onset of school holidays led the committee to suspend all activities within the building to protect the interests and health of members and volunteers.
However, as of Monday this week, about 23 QHM volunteers resumed packing up on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays under increased hygiene protocols, including provision of masks and temperature monitoring.
“John Greenwood, who graduated from the University of Wales with a BSc in archaeology/archaeological conservation, has joined the committee and has agreed to oversee packing up before the demolition of the existing building.
“Despite these difficulties encountered, the packing and transfer of the contents to temporary accommodation is expected to be completed on schedule by the end of the year, to prepare for the rebuild to begin early in 2021 and allow the museum to reopen in early 2022.”