Queenscliffe wins vax race

The community vaccination "race" between Buloke Mayor Daryl Warren and Queenscliffe Mayor Ross Ebbels is over - Queenscliffe has won.
THE BOROUGH of Queenscliffe is officially the COVID-19 vax capital of Victoria!
The borough is the first Victorian municipality to reach the significant milestone of having 80 percent of its residents aged 16 and over fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Mayors of the Borough of Queenscliffe and Buloke Shire had set up a friendly vaccination competition between the two local government areas at the end of August, encouraging their communities to continue rolling up their sleeves.
Queenscliffe Mayor Ross Ebbels had a handy lead at the time, with 64 per cent of borough residents fully-vaccinated at the time and almost 87 per cent had received their first dose.
The Buloke Shire had a full vaccination rate of 48.4 per cent, with 71.6 per cent having had at least one dose.
Queenscliffe took out the win this week, reaching 80.1 percent, and the two mayors caught up virtually to thank their communities and make good on their bet.
Buloke’s Mayor Daryl Warren will provide Mayor Ebbels with a meal and a night’s accommodation in the coming months, when restrictions allow.
Mayor Ebbels said he was looking forward to visiting his friend Mayor Warren in Buloke Shire as vaccination rates increased.
“Getting together for a laugh with our friends is just one of many reasons to get vaccinated,” he said.
“Thank you to all the residents of both councils who have come together to make our communities safer.”
Anyone 12 and over can book their vaccination online at portal.cvms.vic.gov.au or by calling the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.