Real Deal celebrates successful forum

Elected representatives at the event included Cr Sarah Hathway (second from left), Cr Anthony Aitken (third from left), Cr Elise Wilkinson (third from right) and Lara MP Ella George (second from right). Photos: SUPPLIED
THE Real Deal Geelong alliance has hailed its latest gathering as a success, as the group continues to advocate for better housing solutions.
More than 200 people came to the Community Action Forum at Geelong Town Hall on Thursday last week.
Attendees learnt the need for social housing in the Barwon area is for more than 7,000 homes, and that sufficient social housing to meet the needs of community was not being built.
Speakers at the event included Norlane Community Centre executive lead Esther Koning-Oakes, Julie Saylor-Briggs and Phil King from the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, and Mark Dean from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.
Other attendees included Geelong MP Christine Couzens and Lara MP Ella George, and City of Greater Geelong councillors Anthony Aitken, Elise Wilkinson and Sarah Hathway.
“I was really excited that five new organisations expressed interest in joining the alliance, growing from our current base of nine organisations, with over 46 000 members and supporters across Geelong,” Real Deal Geelong community organiser Sally Fisher said.
“There was strong interest from attendees in forming a monthly campaign group to pursue the policy solutions presented at the forum.”
“We need an engaged and participating community if we are going to see change on the housing crisis.”

Real Deal Geelong describes itself as faith groups, unions and community-based organisations working together for the common good, with policies to address the need for secure housing, meaningful work and the cost of living and care and connection across Geelong.
The group says a meeting has been agreed between Real Deal Geelong representatives, local MPs and Minister for Housing Harriet Shing, and a further meeting will be sought with Minister for Development Colin Brooks, which will discuss plans for the Commonwealth Games village site in Waurn Ponds, following the announcement that 72 social and affordable homes would be built there.
Real Deal Geelong will also present its housing policy proposals about the Waurn Ponds site, mandatory inclusionary zoning and using vacant government land for social housing at this meeting.