Rebuilding confidence

August 13, 2021 BY

Geelong Chamber of Commerce CEO Ben Flynn is encouraging people to help provide businesses with confidence after lockdown, by shopping locally and getting vaccinated.

“THE best thing we can do to help our businesses and help our schools is to get vaccinated and be in the strongest position we can be.”
These were the words of Geelong Chamber of Commerce chief executive officer Ben Flynn as regional Victoria moved out of lockdown earlier this week.
Mr Flynn welcomed the easing of restrictions and encouraged the community to shop and support businesses.
However, he said it was important for people to understand that the impact of lockdowns on businesses lasted for months after a lockdown ended. Survival for some businesses was potentially dependent on the number of lockdowns they still faced.
Mr Flynn said the only narrative that communities were hearing was that “we have to be vaccinated to get through this”.
“So let’s get vaccinated and be on the front foot,” he said.
“It’s been a very hard thing to push because many people have tried and want to get vaccinated; wondered if they were eligible.
“But it’s super important so people have to keep trying.”
Mr Flynn said getting through the doors of businesses, booking for a meal and giving them confidence as restrictions eased was
also critical.
“We have to get behind our local businesses; they’re too important to lose and it’s so hard to replace them if they don’t get across the line,” he said.
“It’s the small businesses, the mum and dad businesses that provide a family income that are impacted most; it’s really heartbreaking.
“And it affects them in a few ways; it’s the food on the shelves and it dents confidence in and out of lockdowns.
“Do you book a venue for a birthday or wait and see? Do you run an event and have to cancel?
“That confidence is important, and vaccination is a part of it, but clearer direction with restrictions is as well.”