Recognise and inspire with award nomination

June 30, 2021 BY

Ainslee Hooper won the employment category in the 2020 Geelong Awards for People with Disability for her valuable consultancy work. Nominations for this year's awards are open now.

DO YOU know a local person with a disability who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding achievements in advocacy, leadership, empowering others in the workplace or as a volunteer?

Then it’s time to celebrate their achievements and inspire others by nominating them for this year’s Geelong Awards for People with Disability.

Last year’s winner in the employment category, Ainslee Hooper, was recognised for her consultancy work which helps businesses identify opportunities to remove invisible barriers through a holistic approach to accessibility.

Ainslee said the awards were important because they highlighted the diversity that existed within the disability community and they help to break down stereotypes.

“They also help to inspire younger people with disabilities, showing there are more opportunities available to them than they may think,” she said.

The awards are hosted by the City of Greater Geelong in partnership with genU, and supported by the Barwon Disability Resource Council and the Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the awards were a great way to celebrate the extraordinary members in our community.

“We’ve seen in previous years the incredible achievements of those with disability in our community, as they advocate for better access and inclusion, create opportunities for others and support peers to reach their potential,” Cr Asher said.

“I encourage everyone to think of who they know who may be eligible for the awards and to consider nominating them this year.”
genU CEO Clare Amies said the awards celebrated “truly exceptional people making a real difference in the community”.

“There are many people in the Geelong community who deserve recognition for their amazing efforts, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements through these awards,” Ms Amies said.

Nominations can be made for the Employment Award, Achievement Award, Leadership and Advocacy Award or Volunteering Award categories
Winners will be announced online via the city’s social media channels and website during Social Inclusion Week, which runs from November 20 to 28, 2021.

For information about award categories, nominee eligibility, selection criteria and to make a nomination visit the City of Greater Geelong website.

Nominations are open now and close at 5pm on Friday, October 8, 2021.