Regional Victoria to take the Third Step on roadmap on Thursday

September 15, 2020 BY

Under the Third Step, junior contact and non-contact sport will be allowed.

REGIONAL Victoria has made a big move along the roadmap to coronavirus recovery.

This morning, Premier Daniel Andrews announced regional Victoria would take the Third Step on the roadmap as of 11.59pm tomorrow (Wednesday, September 17).

This is only three days after regional Victoria entered the Second Step yesterday (Monday, September 14).

Mr Andrews said the declining number of coronavirus cases that allowed regional Victorians to take the Second Step and now the Third Step were “a credit to regional Victorians”.

“It is a massive thing. It is a very positive thing. It is something we should all be very pleased and proud of the job that regional Victorians have done. This will be welcomed, I’m sure, and there’s no greater evidence to the people of Melbourne that these strategies, getting numbers low, is possible, and it is essential.”

The Second Step in regional Victoria opened playgrounds and allowed public gatherings of no more than five people, among other measures. The Third Step loosens restrictions considerably more in several different ways:


  • No restrictions on the reasons to leave home or the distance you can travel
  • Public gatherings of up to 10 people outdoors
  • Homes can create a “household bubble” with one nominated household allowing up to five visitors from that household at a time (infants under 12 months do not count)


  • Childcare – remains open
  • Schools – staged return to onsite learning for all students in term 4 with safety restrictions in place


  • Work from home if you can

Shopping and hospitality

  • Hospitality – venues can have up to 50 patrons outside and two indoor spaces with no more than 10 people in each space
  • Retail – all open, hairdressing and beauty services allowed where a face covering can be worn for the duration of the service
  • Real estate – private inspections by appointment only, auctions outdoors subject to gathering limits

Exercise and Recreation:

  • Outdoor contact and non-contact sports allowed for people 18 and under
  • Outdoor non-contact sport only for adults, with gathering and density limits
  • Outdoor skateparks open
  • Outdoor fitness for groups of up to 10 people
  • Gyms remain closed

Ceremonies and Special Occasions:

  • Weddings – up to 10 people (including the couple, two witnesses and a celebrant)
  • Funerals – up to 20 people (infants under 12 months or people required to conduct the funeral do not count)
  • Outdoor religious gatherings of up to 10 people plus a faith leader
  • Places of worship open for private worship for households or social bubbles, plus a faith leader

Entertainment, Leisure and Travel:

  • Travel within Victoria – allowed across areas in the Third Step (except to areas with higher restrictions)
  • Entertainment – outdoor venues and events open, subject to pre-approved plans
  • Accommodation – open, with caps per the social bubble (you can stay with your family but not with another family)

For more information, head to