Future’s bright at reserves after lighting grants approved

August 20, 2020 BY

Grovedale’s Burdoo Reserve is one of the seven reserves that will have its lighting improved.

SEVEN different reserves across the City of Greater Geelong have a bright future after the state government awarded $2.5 million in sports lighting grants.
The state government advised the council last week that its application to the Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program had been successful.
The funding is for new floodlighting at these seven reserves:

  • St Albans Recreation Reserve in Thomson
  • Osborne Park in North Geelong
  • Evans Reserve in Norlane
  • St Leonards Lake Reserve in St Leonards
  • Grinter Reserve in Newcomb
  • Winter Reserve in Belmont, and
  • Burdoo Reserve in Grovedale.

The program’s criteria required projects to be ‘shovel ready’ within six months, have concept plans and costings in place, and some form of community consultation already carried out.
The council has committed to funding 10 per cent of the successful projects from within its 2020-2021 Budget.
Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher thanked the state government for funding important community sporting infrastructure for the Geelong region.
“This announcement is welcome good news for the sporting clubs based at these reserves, who have all been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.
“It will also generate spending and employment in our local economy at a very challenging time.
Sport and recreation portfolio chair Cr Ron Nelson said the new floodlighting would allow tenant clubs to extend their playing and training times, giving them the capacity to build higher levels of participation beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This is especially welcome given the growth in female participation in football and cricket in recent years.
“It’s great news and we’re appreciative to the Victorian government for the funding.”
Bellarine MP Lisa Neville said the Geelong projects were among 27 state-wide to share in more than $68 million.
“Sporting clubs are an integral part of our communities and during this time where clubs have been hit hard support like lighting I know is warmly welcomed by those clubs.
“Our sports clubs are run by dedicated and hard-working volunteers and locally I am always pleased to work with the clubs, and on their behalf, in ensuring they have first-class facilities.”