Search for Scott Muston’s killer continues

Crime Stoppers Victoria chief executive Stella Smith said Scott Muston's murder was solvable. Photo: CRIME STOPPERS VICTORIA
THE family of a man who was murdered more than four years ago is urging the community to come forward with any information that may help investigators solve the brutal crime.
Scott Muston, 34, was shot in the head at a friend’s semi-rural property on Bacchus Marsh Road in Lara at 5.50pm on November 27, 2019.
He was transported to the Alfred Hospital but died the following day.
Almost five years on, the crime, which is believed to have links to organised crime, remains unsolved.
Now, Muston’s mother Bozica, his younger sister Toni and cousin Mick Kucek have for the first time since the murder shared their pain in a Crime Stoppers podcast titled Breaking Down the Wall of Silence: The Hunt for Scott Muston’s Killer.
“Scott was taken from us four years ago and the investigation keeps coming to a dead end,” Bozica Muston said.
“I want these people to be made accountable for what they’ve done, for taking my son.
“I just can’t believe that people out there know that somebody’s life was taken and they’re just comfortable sitting at home and not speaking up for this innocent person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Muston’s sister Toni said she drives Bacchus Marsh Road every day and remained confident someone in the community must have seen vehicles entering or exiting the property on the day of the murder.
“It’s never too late to come forward,” she said.
Crime Stoppers Victoria chief executive Stella Smith said the case was “solvable” as there “are people out there with information about this murder”.
“This is a case where we wanted people to understand that there’s more than one victim.
“In this case, Scott tragically lost his life, but his family are just devastated, and I think, if you actually listen to the podcast, you actually hear just how much of an impact this has had on them.
“Obviously we could never assume that we could give closure to the family…but I think we can help them get justice for their son and the public can help with that.”
Ms Smith said investigators were hoping information from the public would help determine who committed the crime, who may have been at the property at the time of the crime, which weapon was used, what cars were involved and what circumstances led to the murder.
Anyone with information about Scott Muston’s murder is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit an online report through its website.
Reports can be made anonymously.
“They don’t have to tell us who they are,” Ms Smith said.
“They can if they wish to, but they…don’t need to give us any details about themselves.
“We’re interested in the information that will help police get an outcome in this investigation. It’s about the information that they have; it’s not about the person themselves.”
To listen to the podcast, head to