Singers wanted for special Shrine performance

VFF vice-president Danyel Cucinotta said that the project which launched in April 2020 will continue to help shift the dial towards zero on-farm deaths and injuries
A RARE opportunity awaits for choir singers in the region, with a chance to perform as part of special commemoration service later this year.
The Geelong Welsh Ladies Choir says it is on the lookout for more than 20 additional singers to supplement its ranks for a once-off performance at an 80-year anniversary service at the Shrine of Remembrance on June 6.
Choir group founder Jeannette John says the service will commemorate the D-Day landings at Normandy in France during World War II.
“The Normandy Veterans Association was kind enough to invite us to the coming service in June alongside a military band, so we’re looking to recruit some temporary members to augment the performance,” Ms John said.
“The performance will be outdoors meaning it will be a challenge for our female members voices’, so we’re putting the call out to soprano and alto singers to attend a workshop on May 18 from 2pm to 4pm at St Luke’s Church in Highton, then the following two Wednesdays from 7pm to 7.30pm before the service.”
The local choir group currently consists of 26 singers and will aim to increase its numbers to at least 50 for the performance.
The maximum number of singers the group can hold for the day is 56, due to bus capacity.
Ms John says it’s a rare opportunity for an aspiring or experienced singer to be part of serious, meaningful event.
“We’ve spent the last month inviting choir groups from all over the region, it’s a great opportunity to sing in a one-off thing.
“The song we’re performing is ‘World In Union’, which is a song of great significance, but the words are applicable for this service in loving each other and not fighting each other.
“It’s a four-minute song, it’s not a massive learning exercise and it is in English. This is a huge honour and privilege for the group.”
Following the service, the choir will attend a lunch at Middle Park RSL before returning back to Geelong.
For more information, contact the choir at [email protected].