South Barwon emergency service facilities receive huge investment

South Barwon SES volunteers Josh Hutton, Andrew Pitchford, Kim Rosenow and Caroline Taylor - their unit will receive Government funding to maintain the facilities. Photo: LISA KEYS
EMERGENCY services facilities in the South Barwon region will receive funding from the Andrews Labor Government to improve infrastructure.
South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman announced that Bancoora LSC, Highton Fire Station, Modewarre fire station, Torquay VICSES Unit, South Barwon Local Unit and South Barwon/Grovedale VICSES Unit would receive funding to deliver important repairs to support the great work our volunteers do and provide a boost in employment within the community.
Bancoora Surf Life Saving Club proved the biggest beneficiary, receiving $214,733 for repairs, building maintenance and facility upgrades. Modewarre Fire Station has received $114,800 for the installation of a shed to accommodate two modern tankers. South Barwon/Grovedale VICSES received $28,692 for the installation of a number projects in the facility.
Mr Cheeseman said the funding was crucial to maintain these facilities.
“These important projects will improve the condition of critical infrastructure and ensure these five emergency services facilities will be able to continue their incredible work keeping the community safe,” he said.
“The Emergency Services Refurbishment Fund will extend the life of existing facilities and resources, while developing job opportunities within the local community.”
A VICSES spokesperson said it was great news and vital to ensure the community receives the necessary emergency services.
“VICSES welcomes the investment announcements into the refurbishment, rectification and safety works at some of our SES facilities. Safe and contemporary facilities are vital in continuing to support our volunteers and deliver important emergency services to the community.”
In total the Andrew Labor Government invested $441,940 to emergency services in the region. The six projects are among 125 projects sharing in $20millions in funding under the Emergency Services Refurbishment Fund.
Projects will commence in the coming weeks at local Country Fire Authority brigades, Victoria State Emergency Service units, Life Saving Victoria clubs and Marine Search and Rescue flotillas across Victoria.