
State government allocates $1.5 million to Geelong Food Relief efforts

May 26, 2024 BY

L-R: Geelong MP Christine Couzens, Lara MP Ella George, and Geelong Food Relief Centre chief executive officer Andrew Schauble. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE state government has committed $1.5 million to enhance the capabilities of six Regional Food Relief Hubs, including the Geelong Food Relief Centre, as outlined in the 2024-25 state budget.

Staffed by a team of dedicated volunteers, the centre provides essential food aid services to those facing financial hardship and food insecurity.

The funding aims to address the growing issue of food insecurity among families in the Geelong area, exacerbated by rising living costs.

Lara MP Ella George said the centre played an important role in the community.

(L-R) Volunteers Jeffrey Preece and Glenda Manczak with Member for Geelong Christine Couzens, Member for Lara Ella George and volunteer Josephina Barry. Photo: SUPPLIED


“With the cost of living impacting families across Geelong’s north, I’m proud that the Allan Labor Government is backing the Geelong Food Relief Centre to continue to provide food relief in our community,” Ms George said.

“We thank the team and volunteers at the Geelong Food Relief Centre for their incredible work and dedication to our community.”

The budget allocation is part of a broader initiative to alleviate food insecurity.

It supports various state-wide efforts, including a $1 million competitive grants program aimed at improving the collaboration and distribution of food between metropolitan and regional providers.

Additionally, a $1 million fund supports small grants for community and volunteer organizations, while $2.5 million is designated for neighbourhood houses to enhance their food relief services.

Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant expressed her support for Geelong Food Relief Centre.

“I am very proud to support the great work Geelong Food Relief Centre do in providing food aid services for our most vulnerable and their assistance to food relief organisations across the Bellarine,” Ms Marchant said.

“I thank all of the staff and volunteers working in the food relief space, who provide vital support for individuals and families in our region.”