State government announce kindergarten grants

Nixon, Eros, Benson, and Billy in costume for a dress-up day at Torquay Kindergarten. Photo: PETER MARSHALL
THE state government has announced two new grants to support kindergartens and the children attending them.
The state government will fund about half of all sessional kindergarten fees in Term 3. This will save carers about $23 a week.
South Barwon Labor MP Darren Cheeseman said this would help ensure financial hardship does not affect the education children received.
“We’re saving families hundreds of dollars and ensuring South Barwon children can go to kinder and receive the crucial early childhood education they deserve.”
As part of this $45 million support package, kindergartens will receive $900-$1,500, depending on their number of students, to help cover the costs of extra hygiene and cleaning measures.
Bethany Kindergarten Services (BKS) executive manager Anneliese Knell said these measures have been very extensive across their 22 kindergartens.
“In response to COVID-19, there have been a number of modifications introduced to the learning environments at BKS.
“Modifications are preventive in nature and aimed at protecting the safety and wellbeing of staff and families. These include; changes to drop off and collection processes, screening procedures and changes to the way the day is structured and facilitated by educators. As per BKS normal policy, children who are unwell must remain at home.
“We have enhanced cleaning regimes, focusing on extensive hygiene and cleaning practices which have been introduced since the resumption of term 2.”
The state government also announced its School Readiness Funding program.
This will see $160 million spent over the next four years to help improve children’s’ communication, wellbeing, access and inclusion.
With the funds, kindergartens will introduce new programs focusing on these areas and engage with professional support including speech pathologists and occupational therapists.
Mr Cheeseman said the funding would have wide-reaching benefits.
“School Readiness Funding will mean that each child in South Barwon will have a more equitable chance to thrive at kindergarten, regardless of their circumstances.”