Grant to help green Geelong’s growth areas

February 18, 2022 BY

The City of Greater Geelong's Western Geelong Growth Area. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE City of Greater Geelong will use a pair of state government grants to make two of its major growth areas more environmentally sustainable.

The city was one of the councils to share in more than $3.2 million in funds from the Streamlining for Growth program announced earlier this week.

Established in 2016 and administered by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA), the program aims to facilitate faster and more cost-effective permit-ready delivery of employment and residential land across the state.

According to the VPA’s list of approved grant applications, the city received two grants towards its Northern and Western Geelong Growth Areas (NWGGA) – $215,000 for a biodiversity funding framework, and $120,200 for innovation delivery.

The first project will deliver a funding model and funding mechanism to mitigate the impacts to the environment from urban development and provide certainty for government and industry.

The second project will assist with creating solutions for issues including zero-emissions development; urban greening, increased tree canopy coverage and co-location; and Water Sensitive Urban Design including passive irrigation, all identified in the city’s NWGGA Framework Plan.

The city has resolved a planning and policy approach to innovation in greenfield planning, “however the delivery process including technical, process and maintenance matters requires significant input”, the VPA’s document states.

“This will provide more certainty to all stakeholders and facilitate a quicker approvals process.”

The plan is the city’s vision to address Geelong’s long-term greenfield population growth.

It proposes two distinct growth areas with a combined 40,000 dwellings holding more than 112,000 people across a total area of 5,331 hectares.

The city’s grants both fell under the Better Regulation and Streamlined Processes stream of the program.

This year, the program focused on projects that would support Victoria’s economic recovery and address land supply shortages in regional Victoria and Melbourne’s growth areas.

“We know regional Victoria is facing land supply and affordability pressures, which is why two-thirds of this year’s funding was focused on the regions,” Planning Minister Richard Wynne said.

“The funding will help local councils with staffing or financial support to unblocking or fast-track strategic planning projects to deliver new homes and jobs faster.”

“This program has a track record of delivering faster and more cost-effective permit-ready land for new homes and jobs across Victoria.”

Labor says it has confirmed funding for a seventh year of Streamlining for Growth in 2022-23.

For a full list of grant recipients, head to the Victorian Planning Authorities website.