Students raising money for mental health

Alicia Hawkins and Lucy Wood are using their lived experiences to raise money for mental health awareness. Photo: SUPPLIED
TWO Sacred Heart College students have used their lived experiences as motivation to raise money for mental health awareness.
Year 12 students Lucy Wood and Alicia Hawkins are hosting a fundraising event in August with proceeds going to youth mental health organisation Headspace.
“We do this thing called ‘community project’ where we get to choose an issue in our community that we feel strongly about and try to make a difference,” Ms Wood said.
“Alicia and I both suffer from mental health and she sadly lost a friend to suicide last year.
“We knew we wanted to do something about it and felt so strongly about this issue.”
While the pair agree the Geelong region has plenty of support services for people suffering mental health issues, they say Headspace is the place that most young people know about.
“We both have had interactions with Headspace and we feel like they need the funds to cater for more people,” she said.
“There are long waiting lists that make it hard to seek help.
“When you’re in crisis as a teenager, Headspace is the first place that comes to mind so it’s the best place to put money towards.
“If we raise money and awareness, it will mean more people can get help.”
The August 3 fundraiser has already attracted donations from up to 15 businesses in the community, offering goods or services as raffle prizes to be won on the night.
“So far we have mostly received hairdressing vouchers, hypnotherapy vouchers, flotation therapy pass, hair products, personal training vouchers, food vouchers, someone is building outdoor furniture and earrings donated by a local jeweller worth $170,” she said.
“People are really here for it because everyone has had some sort of experience with mental health.”
The community project is a major part of Sacred Heart’s VCAL program that Year 12 students look forward to each year.
“We knew what we wanted to do, and we have already got the night planned,” Ms Wood said.
“The teachers have been so supportive of us, they are letting us host it at the school and they have organised caterers that will come to the event.
“They have let us pick a project we are passionate about which has allowed us to put our full potential into it.”
The event will take place at Sacred Heart College, Newtown, on August 3 from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
To donate a prize contact Lucy Wood on 0400 065 744.