Supporting community groups

January 12, 2024 BY

WHETHER it is community centres, sporting clubs or specialist health services, there are so many great organisations providing support and connection to the communities of the Windermere Ward.

I’m so glad that Council has been able to allocate funding to help a range of these groups with their initiatives.

A total of 118 projects across Greater Geelong have been given a boost in the latest round of Council’s Community Grants program, sharing in more than $768,000.

Some of the recipients in the Windermere Ward include:

  • Windana Drug and Alcohol Recovery – Writers in Residence at Barwon Therapeutic Community – $10,000
  • Lara Sporting Club – Christmas in Lara – $10,000
  • North Geelong Warriors FC – North Geelong Warriors Festa – $9,777
  • Corio Model Railway Club Inc – Solar Project – $9,246
  • The Killara Foundation – First aid for First Nations women – $9,100
  • Norlane Community Centre Inc – Winter Solstice – $5,000
  • Little River Community Landcare – Infill revegetation of the riparian zone at Rees Reserve – $900.

Thanks to all of the organisations and groups for the work they do in our community.

Excitement is building for the opening of the new aquatic and community facility in Norlane.

The $65.6 million hub is set to open next month, providing a fantastic array of health, fitness and recreation opportunities.

Funded by the Council ($48.84 million), Victorian Government ($8.5 million) and Australian Government ($8.26 million), the hub replaces Waterworld and Centenary Hall.

Community members still have a chance to help us decide on an official name for the facility.

While in development it has been known as the Northern Aquatic and Community Hub (NACH), that does not meet Victoria’s naming rules.

With the help of the community reference group, four potential options have been put forward. They are:

  • Norlane ARC (Aquatic Recreation Centre)
  • Norlane ARC (Aquatic Recreation Complex)
  • Aquatic Centre of Norlane (ACON); and
  • Aquatic Complex of Norlane (ACON).

Feedback on the community’s preferred name is being taken until Sunday, January 28. Visit to share your preference.

Norlane’s new aquatic and community hub will be a vital space for residents of the north and west.

It will encourage and enable people to be active; to access important services; and to connect and socialise with others.

The forthcoming Geelong Youth Hub will provide similar value for our younger generation.

While Council’s fOrT Youth Centre, in Norlane, provides high quality activities and alternative education opportunities, there is a need to have a similar space in the heart of Geelong.

Council is preparing to open the youth hub in part of the Busport building, on Brougham Street.

With the support of $400,000 from the Victorian Government, the hub will open in January 2025 and operate for two years as part of a pilot program.

Our own Youth Council has been a strong advocate for this project, so it’s great to see that young people will have an influential role in both the design and activation stages of the facility.

There will be co-design workshops with young people, and feedback will also be sourced from our Have Your Say page.

Please go to before March 15 to share your ideas with us.


Cr Sarah Hathway

Windermere Ward,

City of Greater Geelong