Survey highlights homelessness in Victorian youth

August 6, 2024 BY
Victorian Youth Homelessness Crisis

Mission Australia have revealed the impacts homelessness can have on Victoria's youth. Photo: MIRCEA IANCU/PIXABAY

MISSION Australia’s youth homelessness report has been released, revealing the reality for young Victorians who have faced homelessness.

“The Unfair Divide” shows nearly one in 10 Victorian young people, aged between 15 and 19 who responded to Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2023, have experienced homelessness in the past year.

Of those, some were homeless with or without their families, spent time without a fixed address, lived in refuge or transitional accommodation or spent time away from home because they felt they couldn’t return.

The report revealed the flow on affects, showing nearly half (46 per cent) of those who experienced homelessness felt lonely all or most of the time compared to 18 per cent of their stably housed peers.

They were also 49 per cent more likely to struggle socialising, have strained or poor relationships with family (35 per cent) or have a mental health condition (42 per cent).

Mission Australia State Director Victoria Jurek Stopczynski said the report findings highlighted the impact homelessness can have on a young person’s wellbeing and the need for intervention and prevention programs.

“We need governments at all levels to do more to prevent young Victorians from becoming homeless including investing in social and affordable housing, boosting rental subsidies, implementing early intervention and prevention measures and expanding specialist housing options like Youth Foyers.

“We know the impacts of homelessness can be devastating for young people – not having a stable and secure home can deny them the ability to plan for their futures and pursue education and employment opportunities.”

Mr Stopczynski said Mission Australia was focused on ending homelessness.

“We are committed to working across the sector and with all levels of government to ensure that every Victorian young person has a safe, secure place to call home and the support they need to thrive.”

Nationally, more than 19,000 youths took part in the survey, revealing 8.6 per cent of them had reported homelessness in the past 12 months.