Tender awarded for Geelong Future Economic Precinct works

February 25, 2021 BY

The works for the Geelong Future Economy Precinct have already upgraded roads near Deakin University in Waurn Ponds.

INFRASTRUCTURE to get the Geelong Future Economy Precinct in Waurn Ponds moving is in the works, with the last remaining tender awarded to Keystone Civil to construct an extension to Epworth Place.

The roadworks will provide alternative entrance points to the Geelong Future Economy Precinct, which includes Deakin University, Marcus Oldham College, and a medical teaching and research hospital owned by Epworth Healthcare.

The project will provide 14 hectares of “project-ready” land for industry by delivering road upgrades, intersection treatments and service augmentation.

It has already seen the signalisation of the two existing entrances to the Deakin University campus, an additional designated left-turn lane from Nicol Drive North into Pigdons Road and the extension of Nicol Drive North westwards.

Part of the $382 million Geelong City Deal, the project will support future growth in traffic volumes, provide a safer, more efficient truck route, and support the future growth of advanced manufacturers.

The $11.5 million precinct aims to become a global destination for industry partners to enable breakthroughs and collaborations in medicine and health, advanced materials, manufacturing, energy, agri-tech, food and water infrastructure.

The federal and Victorian governments each provided $3.8 million, while Deakin University contributed $3.9 million.

Victorian Senator Sarah Henderson said Deakin was now home to several thousand jobs.

“Providing this road access offers other companies the opportunity to establish their operations in the precinct, unlocking substantial new investment,” she said.

“The deal will deliver $382 million of government investment as part of a 10-year partnership between the Australian and Victorian governments and the City of Greater Geelong to revitalise Geelong and unlock the potential of the Great Ocean Road visitor economy.”

South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman said the precinct was about creating the jobs of the future and attracting investment from companies globally to set up in Geelong.

“The wide variety of tenants in the precinct mean these jobs aren’t reliant on just one industry – setting Geelong up to be the centre of diverse and exciting careers,” he said.

Deakin vice-chancellor Professor Iain Martin said the development of the Geelong Future Economy Precinct would see the university’s Waurn Ponds campus become the epicentre of world-leading research and innovation.

“As this partnership project comes to life, extending our road network and improving access to new zones of the Geelong Future Economy Precinct will support efficient and safe travel as we create an “innovative employment hub for the region”.