The Men’s Table to dine in Geelong

October 18, 2022 BY

"Get food in your belly and stuff off your chest" is the group's motto. Photos: SUPPLIED

GEELONG will soon be added to the location list of the Men’s Table group, a grass roots community initiative designed to improve the wellbeing of men by coming together once-a-month and sharing a meal.

Founded in 2011, the not-for-profit group now operates out of 73 sites around the nation, each group unique, and member Dan Ball said its relevance has continued to grow.

“After the last couple of years of isolation, looking after our mental health has never been more important,” he said.

The Men’s Table offers a safe space for men to come together once a month to eat and share stories. 

“As men, we sometimes avoid talking about our feelings and the deeper stuff in life, out of fear of judgment…the Men’s Table leaves that judgment at the door and encourages men to share what’s really going on for them, in a safe environment over dinner once a month.

“Our aim is to increase connection in the local community and improve mental health for men who may be isolated and lonely.”

The Men’s Table also has its own YouTube channel that features existing members talking about the positive impacts its had on their lives.

Operating under the motto of “get food in your belly and stuff off your chest”, the Geelong chapter launch will be at the National Hotel on October 27, between 6:30pm – 8:00pm.

For more information head to, events.humanitix.com/geelong-men-s-table-entree-thursday-27th-october/