Turner runs the Great Ocean Road for charity

October 22, 2020 BY

Levi Turner (far right) and his friends on the road. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

BARWON Heads local Levi Turner is partway through a herculean journey to raise money for a local charity.

On Monday, October 19, Mr Turner set off from his house at Barwon Heads with the ambition of running along the entirety of the Great Ocean Road.

Tomorrow (Friday, October 23), Mr Turner will reach Warrnambool, having covered about 300-kilometres.

Mr Turner is doing the run to raise money for Geelong Mums.

He said he said they were an “incredible charity” in need of help during a challenging time.

“I just think they do a really good job and deserve the support, and with 2020 being such a difficult year for many, it’s really important to get behind those vulnerable in our community.”

Geelong Mums helps vulnerable families through recycling nursery equipment, clothes, and other baby essentials.

The organisation receives requests from maternal child health nurses and social workers on behalf of families in need, then aims to meet the request with new or pre-loved donations.

They help families across the City of Greater Geelong, the Borough of Queenscliffe, Surf Coast Shire, the Colac-Otway Shire.

Mr Turner said he has been delighted with how readily people have supported the cause.

“It’s been really good. There have been people locally who have donated as well as other people who are business contacts of mine.”

Mr Turner set his fundraising goal at $10,000, which he surpassed two days before setting off on the run.

He will have the company of friends joining him on the road for different stretches of the run.

People can still give to the fundraiser by heading to run-for-geelong-mums.raisely.com/leviturner.

For more information on Geelong Mums head to geelongmums.org.