
Vale Dick Philpott 1950-2022

December 23, 2022 BY

Dick Philpott's community involvement included nearly 30 years on the board of Buckleys. Photo: FACEBOOK/BUCKLEYS

THE Geelong football community is in mourning following the passing of local legend and North Geelong Football and Netball Club stalwart Richard “Dick” Philpott.

The Magpies life member passed away on Saturday at the age of 72.

Born in 1950, Mr Philpott’s involvement with North Geelong stretched over more than 50 years, including 10 years as president of the GDFL club (which included four senior footy flags).

He was an inaugural member of the AFL Barwon Commission and was on the board of Buckleys Entertainment Centre for nearly three decades.

Immediate past North Geelong president Jason Habib paid tribute to one of his club’s greatest figures.

“He meant a fair bit to me,” Habid said earlier this week.

“I promised him I wouldn’t break his 10-year reign [as president], but I had to, I went one extra year, I went 11 years but he was happy with that, he said ‘That’s fine’.

“When we won the 2013 flag, it was a very special moment when he presented me with the medal the next day.

“He was an icon, he made the room laugh when he walked in, we just loved him.

“It’s going to be a privilege to have the memorial at the club on Friday; I think there’ll be a thousand plus there, I reckon.”

Habib said it was a mark of Mr Philpott’s hard work that he secured football and media personality Rex Hunt for a time as the club’s number one ticket holder.

“When he came to the club, they were at rock bottom. They had no money in the bank. But he worked with the banks, he knew how to control money, and he just got the club back on track.

“Through those years in the early ’90s, when the second division won the flag and came back into division one, they were a force, and that’s because Dick put a lot in place.

“He loved back and white – it was always going to be good with him being there.”

Organisations including AFL Barwon and Buckleys have also paid tribute.

“Dick’s commitment and dedication spanned over five decades to the NGFNC with his tenure as president spanning from 1987-1996,” the North Geelong football Club wrote on its Facebook page

“Dick’s larger than life personality is going to leave a massive hole in ‘Geelong’s Fabulous Magpies’ family.

“Our heartfelt condolences are with Romey and family at this very sad time.”

A funeral service will be held at the North Geelong Football Netball Club rooms in Swinbune Street, North Geelong today (Friday, December 23) at 1pm.