Vision refresh for a clever and creative city

There is a greater focus on the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners in Greater Geelong's revised clever and creative community vision, in response to public feedback.
A REFRESHED version of Greater Geelong’s vision for a “Clever and Creative Future” will go back to councillors next month, after the community was encouraged to provide feedback on changes.
The vision aims that “by 2047, Greater Geelong will be internationally recognised as a clever and creative city-region that is forward looking, enterprising and adaptive, and cares for its people and environment”.
More than 16,000 local residents contributed their thoughts and ideas on Geelong’s future to develop the initial clever and creative vision in 2017.
The refreshed, second edition of the city’s 30-year vision is the result of new community feedback gathered earlier this year on what remains relevant four years on, and in a post-COVID world.
The community was encouraged to have its say through surveys and discussions, with the views of a Vision Partner Group and the Geelong Youth Council also contributing to the review process.
A report to last month’s council meeting explained there would be no significant changes but in response to feedback, there would be a greater focus on several areas including diversity and inclusion, recognition of the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, safety, accessibility and affordability of health services and mental health.
The city has also considered environment sustainability, education opportunities, helping the economy adapt to change, community connection and affordable housing in the plan’s refresh.
An example of changes includes the addition of “proactively celebrating and promoting our Wadawurrung culture” to achieve community aspirations.
A further opportunity for public comment followed last month’s council meeting and the reviewed vision will go to the council for final approval in August.
Greater Geelong: A Clever and Creative Future is scheduled for another review in 2023 when the community will be encouraged to be involved in “a more substantial community engagement” to ensure the vision continues to meet expectations.