Visitors encouraged to respect environment

October 29, 2020 BY

Local group SCEAT is encouraging visitors to be mindful of the environment this summer.

AS CORONAVIRUS restrictions ease and warmer weather draws closer, conservation groups are encouraging tourists to be mindful of the environment.

Conservation Ecology Centre founder Lizzie Corke said she looked forward to visitors during summer, and hoped everyone would remain mindful of their surroundings.

“This year has reminded us how very important the natural world is to our wellbeing and we look forward to welcoming people who are coming to recharge,” she said.

“If we look after this environment, everyone’s time here will be more special – caring for a place is an important way to connect with it.”

The Surf Coast Environmental Action Group (SCEAT) is a local collective doing their utmost to keep the region pristine.

The group of six teenagers first began learning about the effects of climate change in primary school, before forming SCEAT to keep advocating for environmentally friendly practices.

For Torquay local Connor, it was his love of the outdoors that first made him feel passionate about protecting the environment. The 14-year-old now hopes tourists can get involved when they visit the Surf Coast.

“We do lots of beach clean-ups and fundraisers, so anyone that wants to get involved is welcome,” he said.

The SCEAT teens say being eco-friendly can be as simple as using electricity sparingly and refusing plastic straws.

Ecotourism Australia chief executive officer Rod Hillman has been keeping a close eye on tourism demands. He said travellers were looking for ways to give back while away.

“People don’t just want to experience nature, now they are wanting to do things that benefit the community, not just themselves.”

Looking ahead, the SCEAT teens welcome travellers to enjoy their favourite spots, such as the Jan Juc Lookout, and hope all visitors do so respectfully.

“Be mindful of the environment, we want to keep it this way, so everyone can enjoy it.”

For updates on SCEAT activities and fundraisers, you can head to their Instagram @s.c.e.a.t