Voting for council elections closes tomorrow

October 22, 2020 BY

Completed ballot papers must be in the mail or hand-delivered to the election office by 6pm on Friday, October 23.

VOTING closes tomorrow (Friday, October 23) for council elections across the state, including the City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast Shire and Borough of Queenscliffe.

Voters who have not yet voted are urged to do so before it’s too late.

“Local councils make all kinds of decisions for their communities, so it’s important that you exercise your right to vote,” Victorian Electoral Commissioner Warwick Gately said.

“Your vote will help decide who will be representing you at the local level for the next four years.”

For profiles on all the candidates in the three municipalities, head to

Completed ballot papers must be in the mail or hand-delivered to the election office by 6pm tomorrow (Friday, October 23). Local mail clearance times vary so voters should check their local mail clearance times to make sure their vote is in the mail on time.

Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack should contact their election office to arrange a replacement as soon as possible.

The election office locations for the three municipalities are:

  • City of Greater Geelong – Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington Street, Geelong West, phone 8619 1427
  • Surf Coast Shire – 40 Baines Crescent, Torquay, phone 1300 140 714
  • Borough of Queenscliffe – Council offices, 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff, phone 1300 108 803.

Voting is compulsory for voters who were on the state roll for this election at 4 pm on August 28, and council-enrolled voters are encouraged to vote.

State-enrolled voters who don’t vote may be fined.

For more information about the council elections, head to