VTIC welcomes measures to restart tourism industry

May 14, 2020 BY

VTIC chief executive officer Felicia Mariani.

THE state and federal governments have rolled out resources and funding to help businesses get back on their feet as coronavirus restrictions are eased, and the measures have been welcomed by the Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC).
At the state level, Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas last week announced $491 million to provide relief in the form of exemptions from payroll tax and WorkCover premiums on JobKeeper payments.
Federally, the Morrison Government has released a range of support materials and toolkits through Safe Work Australia to aid businesses in navigating requirements to establish “COVIDSafe” workplaces.
VTIC chief executive officer Felicia Mariani said more than 708,000 jobs had been lost since restrictions were implemented in mid-March.
Of these, 441,000 were in hospitality, accommodation and food services, and a further 146,000 were in the retail sector.
“The Prime Minister has rightfully acknowledged that the services sector has been decimated in the current shutdown, and the implications to the supply chain down the line have been subsequently impacted also,” Ms Mariani said.
“The resources that are being made available via the Safe Work Australia website will be vital in supporting our industry to understand obligations in reactivating their businesses with regard to social distancing requirements, hygiene, cleaning and use of personal protection equipment.
“This has been the primary concern for our sector in wanting to be crystal clear on new operating requirements as they look to reengage with their staff and customers.”
She said the tourism industry had found the JobKeeper funding challenging at times because of its associated on-costs, and payroll tax on the fortnightly payments meant many businesses had questioned how they could afford to maintain the benefit.
“Today’s announcement by the Treasurer that the $1,500 fortnightly JobKeeper payment is now free from all state government taxes and charges means that more money can stay in the pockets of businesses. This is crucial to their survival and allows them to focus on this next phase of business reanimation.
“The numbers released today reinforce that the sectors making up the nation’s visitor economy have truly been hardest hit by the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions. The ongoing support provided by both our federal and state governments will go a long way in supporting our vital industry to survive, revive, and to once again thrive.”