Want to run for council this year? Here’s how

August 27, 2020 BY

To become a candidate, you must be enrolled for the council in which you wish to stand, and enrolments close at 4pm on August 28.

THERE’S still three weeks until nominations open for the council elections in the Surf Coast Shire and City of Greater Geelong, but prospective candidates have some work to do before that date.
To become a candidate, you must be enrolled for the council in which you wish to stand, and enrolments close at 4pm tomorrow (Friday, August 28). If the council has wards, you can be a candidate for any ward in the council.
To be eligible to stand for council, you must:

  • Be an Australian citizen or an eligible British subject referred to in section 48(1)(a) of the Constitution Act 1975
  • Be aged 18 years of age, and
  • Not be disqualified from being a councillor (for example, being an undischarged bankrupt or a staff member at that council).

Prospective candidates must also have completed the mandatory Local Government Candidate Training, which is a new requirement under the Local Government Act 2020 and will help you understand the role and responsibilities of being a councillor.
The training, which should take about an hour to complete, can be found online at localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/candidate-training.
Outgoing Surf Coast Shire councillor Margot Smith encouraged more women to stand for council.
“Gender equality and diversity is really important for good decision making, and if we can get it right at the ballot box, it will help make sure more voices can be heard,” she said.
“If you are a woman who is considering running, please go for it. It’s not a walk in the park but it is rewarding.”
City of Greater Geelong chief executive officer Martin Cutter likewise called for prospective candidates to throw their hat in the ring.
“Local council should represent the variety of social, cultural, economic and geographic backgrounds of our community,” he said.
The Victorian Electoral Commission will launch an online Candidate Helper on September 3 to help candidates complete their nomination form, candidate statement, and candidate questionnaire. To nominate from September 17 onwards, you must:

  • Complete the mandatory Local Government Candidate Training before submitting your nomination
  • Complete a nomination form
  • Make an appointment to submit the hard copy in person with the Election Manager for the council in which you are nominating
  • Pay a nomination fee of $250 in cash or with a bank, building society or credit union cheque (no personal cheques).

To give voters information about your background, qualifications and what you stand for, nominating candidates may provide a statement of up to 300 words and a photo, and responses to questions in the candidate questionnaire about your experience and qualifications. This must be done by noon on September 23.
Head to surfcoast.vic.gov.au/CouncilElections2020, or geelongaustralia.com.au/elections or vec.vic.gov.au.
