We will remember them

November 11, 2020 BY

Remembrance Day will be observed across Australia at 11am today. Photo: LUKAS COCH/AAP

ONE hundred and two years ago today, the guns fell silent on the Western Front.

This marked the end of World War I but the significance of the armistice on November 11, 1918 has been recognised ever since, first as Armistice Day and now as Remembrance Day.

The minute’s silence to be observed at 11am observed around the world remembers those who died or suffered for their country, including Australia, in all wars and armed conflicts.

Returned and Services Leagues (RSL) across the region are encouraging people to purchase and wear a red poppy to commemorate Australia’s veterans.

Torquay RSL president Bob Tyler said November 11 was a particularly important date to commemorate veterans.

“It is on Remembrance Day, above all other days, that we recall the women and men who, through personal sacrifices, contributed to the evolution and identity of our country, Australia.

“We must never forget how much we owe to them.”

Many Remembrance Day services will not be held this year because of coronavirus restrictions. Torquay’s Remembrance Day service at Point Danger will begin at 10.40am, and you can view the livestream by heading to facebook.com/Torquayrsl.

To contribute to the RSL’s Poppy Appeal, head to poppyappeal.com.au.