Wear red, it’s good for your heart

January 21, 2021 BY

Brooke Williams, who grew up in Torquay, was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

THIS month, people are being encouraged to wear red and donate to raise awareness and funds for life-saving research.

REDFEB is Heart Research Australia’s annual campaign to support world-class and emerging researchers to conduct ground-breaking research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.

This year, the organisation is also promoting an important Heart Smart pocket guide that could save lives.

“Heart disease is Australia’s number one killer, but it is surprising how little people know about the signs of a heart attack and what is critical to do in the moment,” Heart Research Australia chief executive officer Nicci Dent said.

“Each day, an average of 20 Australians die from a heart attack. An Australian suffers a heart attack every 10 minutes.

“That is why this REDFEB, in addition to encouraging people to wear red and donate to life-saving research, we are promoting an important free Heart Smart pocket guide.

“By knowing and recognising the symptoms of a heart attack, you could help save someone’s life; maybe even your own.”

One person who appreciates the importance of good heart health is Brooke Williams, a PE teacher and fitness instructor who grew up in Torquay.

The 28-year-old is fit and healthy but was unaware she suffered from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a thickening of the heart walls. The condition affects about 1 in 500 people but there are still many patients undiagnosed.

With a passion for highly competitive running, Ms Williams was training for an elite 10,000 metre national running championship in 2018 when she collapsed, and was later diagnosed with HCM.

Ms Williams, who now lives in Barooga, has recovered from the condition, has returned to running, and started an all-female fitness studio in August last year.

For more information on REDFEB and to donate, head to heartresearch.com.au.