Webstar’s Swim School splashes back this month

December 31, 2020 BY

The ongoing cost for Webstar’s Swim School lessons will be the same in 2021.

THOUSANDS of children will jump back into learning water safety and stroke techniques when the Webstar’s Swim School Program resumes.

The educational classes return to the City of Greater Geelong’s indoor swimming pools on January 18, 2021.

Cr Peter Murrihy, chair of the council’s leisure and recreation portfolio, encouraged parents to re-enrol in the program and to build their children’s excitement about getting back into the weekly lessons.

“The Webstar program is the best way to help grow your children’s confidence and skills in the water.

“It provides a fun and friendly environment for kids to learn how to be safe and to improve their swimming.”

Existing members will automatically be enrolled in their same lesson as per March 2020, with further enrolments opening to the general public on January 2, 2021.

As a thank-you for the ongoing support of the program’s 7,600 members, the first membership debit will be half-price and taken on January 20, 2021.

The ongoing cost will be the same as 2020, with standard prices at $30 per fortnight.

The return of the regular classes follows the introduction of a modified Learn to Swim School Summer Program last month.

More than 1,600 children took part in the restricted four-week program, which ran until December 20.

Because of the reduced level of access this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city suspended all of its Swim, Sport and Leisure (SSL) memberships in March but will reactivate them from January 2.

Members will be offered free access to the centres before the first debit occurs on January 28.

This period covers eight days paid in advance in March, with the remainder of the month provided free as a thank you gesture for members’ ongoing support.

For more information about the city’s pools and gyms network, head to geelongaustralia.com.au/ssl.

For more information about the city’s COVID-19 response, head to geelongaustralia.com.au/covid19.