Welcome boost for community groups

June 25, 2021 BY

IT has been a challenging time for most community groups and some cash to get a small event or a grand project off the ground might be just the boost your members need.

Applications are now open for the City of Greater Geelong’s 2021-22 Community Grants program and there is more than $4 million available to assist community, arts, cultural, sporting, recreation, heritage, environmental and sustainability groups and clubs.

Last year’s grants went to an array of worthy projects from the Bellarine Landcare Group’s woody weed project at Salt Lagoon to the Geelong Pride Film Festival and the Geelong Rangers’ lighting upgrade and expansion at Myers Reserve.

Grant categories for 2021-22 include:
Arts projects
Children’s Week
Community events
Environmental sustainability
Healthy and connected communities
Neighbourhood House, and
Seniors Festivals.

Applications close on July 12. Applications are also open for community infrastructure, First Nations heritage, and Geelong heritage grants, closing August 20.