Women in Community Life Awards nominations open

December 4, 2021 BY

Nominations are being sought for the annual Women in Community Life Awards which celebrate women living and working in the City of Greater Geelong.

The awards, now in their seventh year, acknowledge the amazing achievements of women* in contributing to a fairer, more equitable community and to advancing gender equality in the Geelong region.

The 2022 theme is Climate Action – Disaster and Resilience, and the awards will be presented as part of the city’s International Women’s Day celebrations on Thursday, March 10.

Award nominations are open across seven categories:
Women in Community Life for Leadership in Times of Crisis – sponsored by Committee for Geelong
Women in Community Life First Nation’s Woman – sponsored by Christine Couzens, MP
Women in Community Life for Climate Action – Disaster and Resilience (annual theme) – sponsored by Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
Women in Community Life for Disability Rights – sponsored by Barwon Health
Women in Community Life for Women’s Health – sponsored by Jean Hailes
Women in Community Life for Human Rights – sponsored by Zonta Club of Geelong, and
Women in Community Life for Education Award – sponsored by Soroptimist International of Geelong.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the region was fortunate to have so many women going to extraordinary lengths to make the community a better place for others.

“The Climate Action – Disaster and Resilience category allows us to acknowledge women’s roles in supporting climate action and disaster responses,” Cr Asher said.

“An award for Leadership in Times of Crisis is particularly pertinent given the leadership of women during the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years.

“Recent history has shown the extra duties that fall to women in times of crisis, given the burden for women in supporting the wider community during the pandemic.”

One woman can be nominated for up to three different awards, and to be eligible, the nominee must be a woman* living or working in the Greater Geelong region.


Cr Belinda Moloney, chair of the Women in Community Life Advisory Committee, said this year’s awards were an important opportunity for the community to reflect upon the achievements of the women in their own lives.

“We have so many women in Greater Geelong making remarkable achievements in our local communities – these awards recognise and celebrate those women,” Cr Moloney said.

“Sharing the accomplishments and stories of female role models in our region allows us to thank them for their contributions and helps to inspire other women and future generations.”

She urged anyone who knows a woman who’s made a big difference in their community this year to nominate them for an award.
Nominations close at 5pm on Friday, December 17 and will be assessed by a selection panel.

For more information about award categories, the eligibility and selection criteria, head to the ‘geelongaustralia’ website

Any questions about the awards or nomination process can be directed to the city’s gender equity officer, Rebecca Callahan, on 5272 5053 or [email protected] or Naomi Manning at [email protected].

* Refers to cis and trans women and gender non-binary people