New community foundation to support all young people

July 27, 2023 BY

AmAble CEO Bec Provis and Geelong MP Christine Couzens. Photo: NIKKI FRECKLINGTON

DISADVANTAGED youths will now have access to a range of recreational programs, employment and training under a new community foundation.

Youth Matters, established by AmAble Community Services, officially launched this month with the support of Geelong MP Christine Couzens.

“Youth Matters is Geelong’s newest charitable foundation set up to provide services and support to young people with disabilities, who don’t otherwise qualify for support or funding,” Ms Couzens said.

“Our work has shown that there are many young people falling through the gaps who need support and access to social programs.

“The Youth Matters Foundation is currently entering a partnership with Meli and the Victorian State Government Department of Families Fairness and Housing Geelong based services to deliver new programs in Greater Geelong to address this issue.”

An AmAble Community Services spokeswoman said Youth Matters Foundation officially launched on July 14, but has been accepting expressions of interest since January 2023.

“Established by AmAble Community Services, a local not for profit disability service, we are committed to principles of inclusivity and have long been concerned about the high numbers of young people in our community who do not have access to other types of funding, supports and programs and inevitably fall through the gaps,” she said.

“Youth Matters Foundation invites expressions of interest directly from young people in our community, their families, or referrals from health professionals, along with enquiries from the community about being involved.”

Young people getting access to funding via the foundation will be able to choose from a range of social activities, events, training and employment pathway programs.

The aim of the foundation is to assist in providing resources and experiences to disengaged and disadvantaged youths throughout the region, who do not have access to NDIS funding.