Bellarine Bears to field second women’s team

March 19, 2020 BY


THE Bellarine Bears are looking for people interested in baseball to help them field a second women’s side in the Geelong Baseball Association (GBA) this year.

The women’s side started in 2018 and up to this year has been the only women’s team in the GBA.

Captain and coach of the existing Bellarine Bears women’s side Meg Fahy said she hoped they could lead the way for a women’s league formed in the GBA.

“We’re hoping that creating our team will promote interest in the Bellarine and Geelong and carry that over interest over and create a women’s league.

“Ballarat are saying they might put in a women’s team this year, and with and Guild might have a team too, so hopefully those numbers can continue to grow.”

The club have 19 female players registered for the coming season. This means they have enough players to field two teams, but they are still hoping to get some more people signed up.

The two teams will likely play in the same league, with one more experienced team and one largely made up of people new to the sport, which Fahy will captain and coach.

Fahy said people can join the club regardless of their skill level.

“It’s a mixed abilities team. Anyone is welcome whether they have played a game or not.”

The club had a come and try day scheduled for the weekend but have had to cancel it because of coronavirus concerns.

People interested in joining can contact the Bellarine Bears via their Facebook page.