Devils turning the heat up in early stage of the season

Corio player-coach Shayna Brown is happy with her side's 5-0 start to the 2024 season. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
CORIO’S momentum gained from last year’s first finals appearance in five years has flowed into 2024, with the Devils leading the Geelong & District Netball League’s standings through five rounds.
The Devils and A Grade playing-coach Shayna Brown have already staked their claim as an early premiership contender with wins over both of last year’s grand finalists in Werribee Centrals and East Geelong, as well as Winchelsea.
Corio is also the last remaining undefeated side in the competition.
“We’ve just kept building each week, we had a really good pre-season and some tough pre-season games against South Barwon and Warrnambool, these are things we haven’t had in the past and it allowed us to hit the ground running,” Brown said.
“Everyone was prepared to start the season, everyone has bought in so far, and we’re really enjoying our level of play.
“Defeating those higher level sides takes a lot of pressure off us, it sets a benchmark that we can compete with the best and we aren’t just there to fill that fifth slot – we’re here to a win a premiership.”
Corio’s A Grade side has remained largely the same since last season with just a pair of new additions, one of which from the Geelong Netball League.

Close friend and former South Barwon A/B Grade coach and B Grade player Jordee Nichols left the Swans to join Brown at Corio for 2024, meanwhile C Grade player Jordyn Fairchild made a substantial jump up two grades.
Team of the Year midcourter Molly Gribble also stuck with the squad, after perhaps her best year to date in 2023.
Corio has a chance to go 6-0 if they can pull out a win at Shell Reserve tomorrow afternoon at 3.15pm.
Inverleigh narrow missed out on finals in 2023 by one position and will be eager to draw its third win of the season.
“They’ve got two really good goalers in Cassidy Nelson and Vanessa Finley-McDonald,” Brown said.
“If we can limit the ball going into them with a lot of pressure out the front, I feel like it will give our goalers a lot opportunity to score
“If we can maintain ball possession and force errors, I think that will be the key to winning.”