Geelong Central Netball Association celebrates 100 years

The 1964 A Grade Premiership team was captained by Holly Carew who will also celebrate her 100th birthday later this year.
Geelong Central Netball Association will mark its 100th year in October with a celebration for the ages set to be held at Provenance Wines in Fyansford.
The recently announced venue is fitting given the association’s origins.
In the 1920s women’s basketball was played at the woollen mills, offering an opportunity for exercise and social engagement particularly for the English women brought out to use the machines.
Mill managers drew courts on the ground and games were played mainly at lunchtime.
By the 1930s, more and more girls were wanting to play and so two gravel courts were laid at Kardinia Park, on land previously occupied by a zoo and lily ponds.
By the late 1940s more courts were laid at the present location.
Today, the association offers programs and competitions for NetSetGo, minis, juniors, boys U12s and U14s, seniors, mixed, walking netball and all abilities, with over 600 registered players and all still based at Kardinia Park.
Stalwart Holly Carew, captain of the 1946 A Grade premiership team (pictured), and who will later this year celebrate her own 100th birthday, has been present for many of the netball moments that has brought the Geelong Central Netball Association, and the Geelong sporting community, so much joy.
“I absolutely loved playing netball at Kardinia Park,” she said.
“We were tough on the court but once the game had finished, we made lasting friendships, I still have coffee with some of the girls, we had so much fun!”
For Ms Carew a bus trip to Country Weekend in Melbourne representing Geelong Unity each year was a highlight.
“I played defence and was lucky enough to win many premierships,” she said.
“I also umpired, eventually becoming an A Grade umpire as well as a B Grade tester.
“Netball has been a huge part of my life and I’ve loved every minute of it.”
Geelong Central Netball Association secretary Liz Coles said the association planned to celebrate Ms Carew’s birthday alongside the association’s rich history.
“When we think about the last 100 years we think about Holly, she is always there, so it’s wonderful that we are able to celebrate two incredible milestones in the one year,” she said.
“We are looking forward to having everyone who has been connected to Geelong Central Netball Association at Provenance Wines in October to celebrate and reminisce on each decade, we know there will be plenty of stories and plenty of laughs.”
Further details of the official 100 Year Celebration will be announced shortly via the Association’s social media channels.
Those keen to attend should mark October 13 at Provenance Wines in their diaries.
Attendees can expect an afternoon filled with history, stories and memorabilia plus an exciting panel of speakers.
For more information or to be added to the invite list, or if to share any memorabilia or stories in the lead-up to the event, get in touch at [email protected]