Lions help Tigers get there, oh my

January 2, 2020 BY

The cricket team with some of the Lions members.

THE Torquay Tigers Cricket Club Under 15 side recently had the opportunity to tour Adelaide and take on some of the local clubs.

The team had a packed schedule, playing four different Adelaide teams in four days amid the summer heat.

They played matches against Glenelg, Brighton, Marion and the Southern Shire representatives team.

Under 15 coach Daniel Emmerson organised a similar tour where Torquay juniors played these teams four years ago, and all parties were eager for it to happen again.

Emmerson said the team had a fantastic time and learnt a lot.

“They got a lot out of it. It was a steep learning curve, playing on turf pitches and against a high level of cricketers. They won one game and lost three, but they had a great time.”

“It was a great trip and the kids were really appreciative of the experience.”

The event was made possible by the Torquay Lions. They gave money to help hire a bus for the team to make the trip in.

“Although the junior cricketers had raised considerable funds to cover the cost of the cricket tour, they had a shortfall

of $1,000, which our club unanimously agreed to provide.

“We believe that young people who actively play team sport gain many life skills and benefits.”

Emmerson said it was great to get support from the Lions.

“They were fantastic helping us out with sponsorship.”