My Big Catch
Funding flows to Victoria VRFish, the peak body representing the interests of Victoria’s recreational fishers, commends the Morrison Government’s investment of nearly $3 million in nine coastal and marine habitat restoration projects across Victoria.
VRFish chairman Rob Loats said, “We welcome the investment in our marine and coastal habitat which will deliver more snags and ‘fish hotels’, restore vital living shellfish reef, mangroves and seagrass habitats and healthier waterways”.
“Recreational fishers are passionate conservationists and are at the forefront of fish habitat restoration efforts. Healthy habitat is vital to making fishing better and providing anglers with more fishing opportunities.”

VRFish is offering its support to the implementation of the Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program projects by Victoria’s coastal Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) as well as promoting ways recreational fishers can roll up their sleeves and give back to their fishery.
“Our vision to make fishing better through better fish habitat and we are proud of the strong partnerships recreational fishers have with our catchment managers in Victoria.
“The projects will benefit habitat that estuarine and coastal recreational species such as Black Bream, Estuary Perch, Snapper, Whiting and lathead rely upon.
“Through restoring fish habitat, there will be an immense long-term benefit to recreational fishers through healthy, resilient and more productive fish stocks.”
Recreational fishers seeking to become involved in these coastal and marine fish habitat projects are encouraged to make contact with OzFish Unlimited or the respective Catchment Management Authority.
Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program – Victorian Funded Projects
Barwon Estuary Fish Habitat Restoration Project, VIC
Service provider: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority
Corio Bay Fish Habitat Project, VIC
Service provider: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority
Port Phillip Community Shellfish Reef Project, VIC
Service provider: Port Phillip Western Port CMA
Reel Big Fish – Western Port, VIC
Service provider: Port Phillip Western Port CMA
Snowy River Estuary Fish Habitat Restoration Program, VIC
Service provider: East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Corner Inlet Posidonia Partnerships: fishers protecting water quality and restoring seagrass, VIC
Service provider: West Gippsland CMA
Curdies Estuary Fish Habitat Restoration Project, VIC
Service provider: Corangamite Catchment Management Authority
Enhancing estuaries in the Portland Basin, VIC
Service provider: Glenelg Hopkins CMA
Habitat for the rivers of Warrnambool, VIC
Service provider: Glenelg Hopkins CMA
Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body
Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location, and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch. Email Photos to: [email protected]
Fishing Reports
Weather conditions are improving and so is the fishing, slowly but surely Anglesea Whiting fishing is still a hit and miss scenario
A few gummy shark have also been caught. A few pinkies and some large snappers are now being caught. The odd squid is also being caught
Some still being caught off Pt Roadknight using bait and lures. Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea.
Barwon Heads
A few snapper the odd pinkie has been reported. Squid offshore. A few whiting reports. The odd salmon report off local beaches. The River is still reporting a few trevally and a few whiting. Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling.
Reports of the odd whiting catches. Pinkies and snapper have been reported. A few flathead reports have been received. Salmon reported off local beaches. Spring Creek, some small bream. Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling club.
St Leonards reports some small King George Whiting, a few flathead and some good size squid, snapper, pinkies and some whiting. Clifton Springs reports snapper, whiting, calamari, with continued flathead and squid reports. Queenscliff reports whiting, trevally, flathead, and some squid. The Creek continues to report a few trevally as well as some small salmon. Swan Bay, squid as well as a few whiting and flathead have been reported.
Point Lonsdale is still seeing reports of salmon, trevally, whiting, with a few squid and snapper now being reported. The White Lady, reports some whiting, calamari, and snapper. Indented Head is still seeing flathead, King George whiting, snapper as well as calamari.