South Coast Sharks to launch soon

January 22, 2024 BY

L-R: South Coast Sharks representatives (back row) Shaun Melican, Ross Peasnell, Stan Till, (front row) John Mitsopoulos, Luke Vassallo, and Pete Loe Hogan at Bellbrae Oval. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

A NEW footy club will be formed on the Surf Coast next weekend, allowing players aged over 35 years to reconnect with the game.

The South Coast Sharks will officially launch its inaugural season on January 28, starting a new chapter of footy in the region.

South Coast coach Luke Vassallo said the launch at Bells Beach Brewing in Torquay at 3pm would allow the community to show its support for the club and assist registering players with associated costs.

The launch will follow an inaugural intra-club match earlier that day at 1pm on Bellbrae Oval.

“It’s going to be a fun-filled occasion that not only caters to players committing for this season, but also for families across the region and local business representatives as well,” Vassallo said.

“We encourage the local community to throw its support behind us and hopefully we can obtain some sponsors as well.

“We aren’t looking for big money by any means, just enough to get our player memberships covered.

“If that’s doable, then it’s all about the love of the game.”


The newest football club on the Surf Coast, the South Coast Sharks, will launch its season on January 28 with an intra-club match and an event at Bells Beach Brewing.


The Sharks will feature in the AFL Masters Victorian Country League, playing against sides such as Moorabool Valley, Bendigo, Woodend, and Macorna.

Memberships cost $100 per player with sponsorship packages ranging from $1,000 (Gold) and $500 (Silver) to $250 (Bronze).

The AFL Masters club has received considerable interest across three informal training sessions since November, with more than 50 individuals taking part and signing up to the 2024 season.


More than 50 players have attended the three preseason training sessions to date.


South Coast president David O’Brien said if player registrations reflected attendance at trainings, then the club would be on track to fielding a second team in 2025.

“We want to work with the existing football clubs currently operating under the AFL Barwon level within the Bellarine Football League, clubs such Torquay, Anglesea, and as far as Lorne and Ocean Grove.

“We’d also love to partner with our current Masters clubs such as Torquay’s Active Men’s Club and the Anglesea Bangers to help form this club for contact-friendly competition.

“Participation is more important to us than interim club rivalries and outcomes; we’re just here to help middle-aged men and women stay active.”

For more information, phone Luke on 0448 200 507 or David on 0408 202 805.