Spirit and Flyers clash to address worrying regional road toll

February 10, 2023 BY

Nyadiew Pouch of the Flyers drives to the basket. Photos: KELLY DELFINA/GETTY IMAGES

THE Bendigo Spirit game at Geelong Arena today (Friday, February 11) to take on the Southside Flyers in partnership with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) will continue pushing the message of road safety.

Fatalities on roads in the Barwon South West region increased last year, with 27 lives lost, compared with 24 in 2021.

Regional roads continue to be a concern for road safety authorities in 2023, with 33 lives lost across regional Victoria in the first month of this year.

“The WNBL contest will aim to provide a platform for Geelong residents and Spirit fans to enjoy top quality basketball.

TAC acting chief executive officer Liz Cairns said the TAC’s partnership with Bendigo Spirit would provide an important platform to connect with regional Victorians, reminding them about the key risks they face when driving on country roads.

“Partnerships like this are a critical aspect of the TAC’s investment in road safety.

“We are always looking for effective ways to connect with Victorian communities and embed a culture of road safety across the state.

“With the number of people dying on our roads climbing, we are asking Victorian motorists to make good choices – choices that might save their own or another’s life.

Slow down, put your mobile phones away, wear a seatbelt and make sure you don’t drink or drug drive, it’s up to all of us to make our roads safe.”

Before tip-off, Spirit players held basketball clinics and school visits in the region, with the aim of engaging young people in road safety.