Launching careers

Recent graduates Emma Skrnjug and Alex Tito have launched their accounting careers at West Carr & Harvey and they couldn't be happier.
EMMA Skrnjug and Alex Tito have launched their accounting careers at West Carr & Harvey and they couldn’t be happier.
As recent graduates – Alex graduated in 2023 and Emma in 2022 – they joined West Carr & Harvey six months apart and not only did they feel they had found their calling, but they also found a great friendship.
From the moment Alex began studying financial subjects in high school she knew accounting would be her goal career.
“I loved maths and financial subjects,” she said. It was an interesting start though; I was at an all-girls’ school and there weren’t enough numbers to make up some of the classes.
“So I had to go to the boys’ school to complete my financial subjects. I was one of just a few girls in the class.”
That trend continued at university, with Alex often finding herself as the only female in particular subjects and on group projects.
So when she joined West Carr & Harvey, she was delighted to be working with so many women.
“I was surprised,” she said. “It’s great to know there are in fact plenty of us working in the field.”
While Alex followed the traditional study route, Emma completed her entire degree online while working full time supervising a boarding kennel.
“I loved my job, I loved looking after the dogs, but I was ready to take the next step in my career,” Emma said. “It was a busy time, working and studying full-time, but I’m so glad I did it.
“It’s great to now be in an office and enjoying the work culture West Carr & Harvey offers.”
Alex and Emma have formed a strong bond working in the same team at West Carr & Harvey.
“We both came here for our careers but also found a great friendship while we were at it,” Emma said.
Alex and Emma are championing West Carr & Harvey’s social committee, organising events and helping to nourish the culture through group exercise, lunch dates with the team and more.
“I’m so grateful to have found a career I love, and a great friend and team I can share it with,” Alex said.
Alex and Emma chose to launch their careers at West Carr & Harvey because they felt it aligned best with their values.
“Right from my interview, West Carr & Harvey felt like the right vibe for me. I knew I’d found my place, and my instincts were right,” Emma said.
“I enjoy the people, the location and the culture. The directors are approachable, enjoy a laugh and don’t judge you when you have lots of questions.” Alex agreed.
“There are so many smart people working here. They are great at what they do and have a lot of knowledge to share,” she said.
“More than that, I love the passion and the drive that is part of West Carr & Harvey’s culture.
“The leadership team are great at providing us what we need to succeed. Career progression is always on the cards, and it feels like our future looks good here.”
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