About: Edwina Williams

Edwina is a journalist at the Ballarat Times News Group, and Golden Plains Times, based in Ballarat. She is a passionate art lover and photographer, who enjoys capturing the colour and life of the city in her own time. Edwina has worked as a social media management contractor, and has had previous news experience with the ABC’s flagship current affairs program, 7.30, Victoria Votes for Channel 31, and Junction Journalism. Contact her at [email protected] Twitter - @edwinawilltweet Facebook - @edwinawilliamsjourno

Posts by: Edwina Williams

September 12, 2020

Smaller projects rewarding for Rinaldi

A SOUTH ward councillor since 2015, Cr Jim Rinaldi hopes to sit another term with the City of Ballarat. For him, the next four years...

September 11, 2020

Spoonville gives walkers something to smile about

A CURIOUS little kingdom has appeared within Ballarat North. Every kingdom needs a royal...

September 11, 2020

Sports and rec program seeks active ambassadors

WOMEN and girls with active lifestyles who keep moving for fitness, fun or competitively could be eligible for a leadership role representing the City...

September 10, 2020

RSPCA educates on chicken care

A ONE-hour short course facilitated by RSPCA Victoria will cover how to care for chickens this weekend. The organisation’s first online course of its kind...

September 10, 2020

Women’s wellbeing the focus of national Week

THE Make Your Move campaign is encouraging the city’s women and girls to live healthy and active lifestyles, in line with this month’s Women’s...

September 9, 2020

Forum to answer aspiring candidate queries

THE Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute will present a panel discussion designed to educate aspiring City councillors this Friday night. The free forum, Everything You Want to...

September 9, 2020

Meredith’s history alive with funding assistance

MEREDITH History Interest Group has received a Shire Community Strengthening Grant from the program’s creative category. With $2662.50, MHIG president, Marg Cooper said...

September 8, 2020

Early learning centre brings a Little Wonder to Sebas

A NEW kindergarten and childcare centre in the city’s south will work to provide unique, child-centred early education. Sebastopol’s 118-place Little Wonders Early Learning Centre...

September 8, 2020

Get groovy to shake off stage three blues

A FIVE-week series of free, online dance classes is getting Shire residents of all ages off the couch, while promoting good mental health and...

September 7, 2020

Play at the heart of art-full boxes

THE latest project of artist, Emily Van Der Molen champions the creativity of people other than herself. Her 2D Boxful of Art program encourages...

September 6, 2020

Soldiers Hill Artist Collective on show through the windows

ALTHOUGH Soldiers Hill Artist Collective’s annual Art Walk was cancelled for 2020, the group have ensured residents wandering around the neighbourhood have...

September 5, 2020

Temple seeks support for tree planting

WAT Thai Bhavana, Mount Helen’s Buddhist temple and meditation centre is encouraging Ballarat to support their annual tree planting campaign this month. Although the public...

September 5, 2020

Klein’s figurative creatures born of unusual artform

DECADES worth of Deborah Lee Klein’s dimensional paper illustrations are on display virtually, and for sale, via Gallery on Sturt. The figurative, low relief...

September 4, 2020

National gong for Ballarat bakery

EMMA’S Homemade Cakes has had success at the Baking Association of Australia’s Best Pie and Pastie Competition in Sydney. Receiving gold medals in the...

September 3, 2020

Huge online raffle brings SpringFest to life

WHILE 2020’s SpringFest Market Sunday won’t run due to COVID-19, the Rotary Club of Ballarat has reimagined the event so its community partners...

September 3, 2020

Designated dog space for Buninyong

JAMES Reserve in Buninyong is set to become a very energetic place, as the home of the City of Ballarat’s next off-leash dog park. A...

September 3, 2020

Sixty-eight trees to remember sixty-eight soldiers

AN annual spring tree renewal effort by the City is beginning this week along the Avenue of Honour.

September 3, 2020

Ballarat Libraries’ remote borrowing accessible

BALLARAT Libraries are offering contactless Click and Collect, and The Book Tailor services while their centres are closed to the public. Under The Book...

September 1, 2020

Heat your home and reduce energy this iso period

HOUSEHOLD energy assessor, Dale Boucher commonly sees the same efficiency issues throughout older Ballarat homes. While the city is in isolation, he said there are...

August 31, 2020

Finding funds for ‘unique’ tram restoration

THE Ballarat Tramway Museum is seeking financial backing to pay for the restoration of a Melbourne Transporting Art tram in its collection. W...

August 31, 2020

Shed’s sharing programs go virtual

LINDA Wong and Chris Ardrey’s plans for Meredith Sharing Shed at the town’s interpretive centre have been impacted by the pandemic, but initiatives...

August 31, 2020

Greens and herbs flourishing in Lucas’ Garden

SINCE it officially opened in March, the Lucas Community Garden has seen less green-thumbs out and about than originally planned due to the...

August 31, 2020

Kwik copying with longer-term client relationships

SIGNING contracts to takeover Bakery Hill’s Kwik Kopy last December, Stewart Hynes didn’t know the economic challenges on the horizon. But with a 20-year...

August 30, 2020

Black Hill never sounded so good

RECORDED noises and voices are sharing a neighbourhood’s stories within a sensory walk. Inspired by her unique home corner of Ballarat, right at the foot...