About: jamestaylor

James’ first job in journalism was at the Bendigo Advertiser, where he held a number of roles, including reporter, sub-editor and arts and features writer. He has also worked for several publications at Fairfax, including the Knox Weekly, Casey Weekly and Pakenham Weekly, and in the UK with the Berkshire Media Group. Raised in Geelong, James has been back in his hometown since 2011 and now lives in Waurn Ponds. Outside of journalism, James divides his time between barracking for the Cats, chasing his two-year-old daughter around, and posting on Twitter (@notthatjt).

Posts by: jamestaylor

November 4, 2020

Nominate a Golden Plains Shire community champion

NOMINATIONS are now open for this year's Golden Plains Shire Community Awards. The awards formally acknowledge extraordinary individuals and community groups who make an outstanding...

November 1, 2020

Long-time Golden Plains councillor Des Phelan steps down

DES Phelan has dedicated most of his life to public service. The long-serving councillor has been in office with first the Shire of Grenville and...

October 3, 2020

Daylight saving begins Sunday, check your smoke alarm

DAYLIGHT Savings Time begins this Sunday, 4 October at 2am and the CFA is again urging people to remember to not only wind their...

September 15, 2020

Regional Victoria to take the Third Step on roadmap on Thursday

REGIONAL Victoria has made a big move along the roadmap to coronavirus recovery. This morning, Premier Daniel Andrews announced regional Victoria would take the Third...

August 23, 2020

Regional young Australians invited to go Heywire

THE ABC’s Heywire competition, now in its 23rd year, is again calling on young people from regional Australia to share their stories. The competition is...

July 22, 2020

Most Victorians not self-isolating when required says Andrews

A RECORD four-hundred and eighty-four cases of COVID-19 were identified in Victoria in the past 24 hours, and Premier Daniel Andrews has revealed most...

July 17, 2020

Andrews makes mask call for regional Victorians

PEOPLE in regional Victoria are now being advised to wear a face mask when outside their home if it is difficult to maintain social...

May 24, 2020

More COVID-19 restrictions to be dialled back

VICTORIANS will be allowed to visit playgrounds, galleries, cinemas, swimming pools and many other facilities within days in a further easing of COVID-19 lockdown...

May 17, 2020

Hospitality sector given the green light for staged return

CAFES, pubs and restaurants in Victoria will re-open their doors to serve meals to up to twenty customers from the start of June under...

May 12, 2020

Victorian schools to re-open from May 26

VICTORIAN government schools will begin re-opening their doors to students in less than two weeks in the latest easing of COVID-19 restrictions just announced...

March 31, 2020

$130 billion wage subsidy package announced

EMPLOYERS will be paid $1,500 a fortnight to keep workers on the books for the next six months as part of the federal government's...

March 29, 2020

COVID-19 update: public gatherings restricted to two, over 70s to self-isolate, moratorium on evictions

PUBLIC gatherings will be restricted to two people and those over the age of 70 will be “strongly advised” to self-isolate, according to the...

March 25, 2020

COVID-19 update: new restrictions announced

ANOTHER stage of prohibited activities and venues has been revealed to limit social contact in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Following yesterday's meeting of the...

March 23, 2020

Statement from the Premier – Stage one COVID-19 shutdown

VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews has announced a further shutdown of non-essential...

March 19, 2020

RBA cuts rates to historic low of 0.25 per cent

THE Reserve Bank of Australia has cut the cash rate to a historic low of 0.25 per cent as...

February 6, 2020

Friends of the Earth up pressure to keep gas moratorium

THE moratorium on onshore conventional gas in Victoria expires in four months, but Friends of the Earth is already mobilising for a campaign to...

December 12, 2019

Firefighting fleet is ready to take off

VICTORIA’S firefighters will have a record number of aircraft supporting them across the state during fire season. The 2019-20 air firefighting fleet has been in...

November 9, 2019

Austin’s uncorks Rent a Vine experience

MOORABOOL Valley winery Austin’s Wines has popped the cork on a new personalised winemaking experience, set to begin next year. Rent a Vine is the...

September 5, 2019

Politics pushed aside, environment and waste take the lead at G21 forum

POLITICS took a back seat at this year’s G21 Stakeholder Forum, with the annual gathering of some of the most influential business and community...