A school with all the benefits of city and country life

May 19, 2021 BY

Napoleons Primary School is nestled on the edge of Ballarat and Golden Plains in a rural setting.

Napoleons Primary School is south of Ballarat in the Golden Plains Shire. Last year the school celebrated its one-hundred and fiftieth birthday across two school sites dating back to 1870.

We have 89 students and these are supported by experienced teachers and education support staff.

Napoleons Primary Schools values are respect, creativity, belonging and perseverance.

We focus on the priorities of excellence in teaching, building practice excellence and creating a positive climate for learning, as well as setting high expectations and promoting inclusion while offering STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and music), Chinese and PE as Specialist areas.

There’s also a focus on literacy, numeracy and engaging student voice, agency and leadership and are implementing Sounds Write Synthetic phonics across the school after success of the program within the juniors last year.

Our staff have a strong focus on student achievement and maintain a deep, deliberate focus on evidence-driven, differentiated learning and teaching.

We are building a positive school culture through implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviours program together with Respectful Relationships.

Napoleons Primary School staff work as a team committed to ensuring our students maximize every possible learning opportunity as they develop, grow, collaborate, share and support each other towards success.

Our school’s philosophy is firmly based on the belief that all children can learn, and we endeavour to provide the opportunity for all students to:

  • Develop skills and strategies in thinking and learning about life-long learning;
  • Become responsible for their own learning;
  • Become caring and responsible citizens, displaying respect for others;
  • Nurture and appreciate the environment.

Students have access to technologies with a 1:1 in the senior school. Further laptops and iPads are available across the school.

Our buddy program ensures that all new students have a friend for their important first year at school.

We provide offsite learning opportunities including gymnastics F-2, swimming and sports programs.