Don’t let cracking in your walls break you

December 19, 2018 BY

Small cracks can turn into huge problems.

THE last thing you want is cracks in your most important investment, your home.

Even worse is watching them grow, the results are expensive and heart breaking.

Ballarat Underpinning Services stops cracks in external and internal walls and plaster.

Those cracks appear because many building foundations have not been sunk deep enough when the house was first constructed.

If those old wooden stumps just sit on the clay pan, the constant dampening and drying causes the building to move, bend and buckle.

All the stress on your key asset can result in cracks, and that leads more building movement because the foundations, frame, walls and floor are all interconnected.

Windowsills warp, cornice drops, skirting boards come away. It’s all a shore sign small cracks have led to a major problem.

By calling Colin Taylor at Ballarat Underpinning Services, you can stop the cracks before they break you, and your home.

The team and Ballarat Underpinning Services will come out, assess the damage and give you a no obligation quote on what can be done to right the problem.

Colin and his team are registered with Housing Industry Association and Master Builders Association, so that means all work is guaranteed.

They can also arrange permits, get proper plans drawn, set up insurance coverage and look after titles and surveying.

After nearly 35 years in the local industry, Colin knows exactly how Ballarat homes and buildings move and crack and how he and his team can stop it.

Call 0408 501 250 or 5335 9331 and get Ballarat Underpinning Services to help stop you cracking up.