
Transform your money mindset

June 16, 2024 BY

torytellers: Sarah Walkerden and Toby Billing founded the Rural Publishing company to support rural and regional authors. Photo: FILE

BERRINGA’S Rural Publishing Company has released a new book about mastering business finances in trying times.

Become a Business Money Magnet by Justine McLean guides business owners on how to overcome obstacles, particularly in the current economic climate.

McClean is an author, mentor, speaker and financial educator with 30 years of experience with small businesses.

Topics covered in the book include effective pricing strategies, building good money habits and transforming your money mindset.

“It basically is a really simple, easy to understand guide to business finance,” said Sarah Walkerden, owner of the Rural Publishing Company.

“It covers everything from mindset right through so it’s handy for small business particularly.

“It’s not a dryly written finance textbook.”

Become a Business Money Magnet is designed to help small businesses overcome challenges. Image: SUPPLIED


Ms Walkerden owns multiple local businesses and said she would have found the book useful when starting out.

“A lot of elements you go into business flying blind on, particularly things around budgeting and cash flow and strategy around pricing and making sure your profit margins are all there,” she said.

“I think it would have been really beneficial.”

With current cost-of-living pressures, Ms Walkerden said she hopes it empowers local businesses.

“There’s a lot of small businesses struggling right across Australia and the more business owners are empowered to understand the numbers, the more successful they will be, and they will be more likely to survive tricky economic conditions,” she said.

“I think it’s a really good book right now.”

Become a Business Money Magnet can be purchased on Amazon.