Transforming lives through learning

May 19, 2021 BY

Success and flourishing at St James’ Primary School begins with belonging and relationships.

St James’ Primary School provides quality opportunities in a professionally designed learning environment.

Educators use research-informed instructional techniques ensuring the Victorian Curriculum is applied with deliberate and purposeful intent.

Construction is well underway to the new visual and performing arts buildings, including an extension to the early learning spaces providing a nuanced balance between a ‘play’ based curriculum and formal academia.

All students access extra curricula excursions and camps with senior students participating in numerous sporting events and enhancement such as robotics and coding. Families may also access extra private tuition in performing arts at school.

St James’ is not a place that numbs the mind or is dominated by concrete.

The extensive ‘green space’ provides a sensual, emotional, and conscious connection to the land, air, and sky.

A world where mud invites us to slide, where students can run and climb surrounded by trees and where they learn the perseverance, determination, and resilience needed in the complex world of today.

Technology brings access to information that otherwise would not exist but when it turns into entertainment or becomes a substitute for experiencing reality then the adults have made a significant error in judgement.

Technology at St James’ is used sparingly overuse can have dire consequences.

Success and flourishing at St James’ begins with belonging and relationships. Children learn to work hard with subject specific knowledge and skills for deep understanding, proficiency and application.

With learning and improvement as the goal, there is no need for motivational stickers, ribbons or student of the week.

Achievement comes from effort, and though failure can be disappointing, it can be survived.

At St James’ children hear the adults in their lives shout out the same message; “The harder I practice, the better I’ll be.”