150 full boxes will feed those in need

Helpful handover: 3BA’s Kathryn Fisher picking up bundled food and vouchers from Coles Stockland Wendouree’s store support manager, Amonique Whalan. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
BALLARAT’S Coles supermarkets have given one hundred and fifty boxes worth of non-perishable food, and grocery vouchers, to the 3BA Winter Appeal.
Appeal ambassador, Peter Caligari said the four stores have filled product collection bins for the last eight weeks and had coin containers at each checkout funding the grocery vouchers, all to support the city’s many less fortunate families.
“Generous shoppers can buy an additional one, two, three, four food items and drop them in the bins…and the welfare agencies and charities will find the donations of huge benefit,” he said.
“During the cold winter months, demand faced by our welfare agencies and charities has been absolutely huge, and this year the whole situation has been made worse by the coronavirus.
“We’ve seen a huge increase in the number of families requiring assistance this winter, so the generosity of Coles’ customers in donating food items when they’ve been doing their weekly shop is very, very gratefully received.”
Coles Stockland Wendouree store manager, Sharon Germon has coordinated the initiative for many years, in partnership with 3BA.
She said it’s an important opportunity for the local supermarkets to give back to the community that supports them every day.
“The response has been a bit different this year. A lot more people have donated groceries rather than money because we’ve encouraged people to pay by card during the pandemic,” she said.
“I was on a register one day when a customer came through and bought $100 worth of groceries. They were all for the appeal, so people have been really generous.
“Customers now relate us, Coles, with a collection and donation point at the registers, so it’s great that they know we do it.”
The 3BA Winter Appeal distributes to The Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul, Uniting and Anglicare.