A community for kids and carers at Lucas Playgroup

Creating connections: Lucas Playgroup welcomes children pre-school aged and younger, their parents and carers to the Lucas Community Hub every Monday morning during the school term. Photo: SUPPLIED
MONDAY mornings are busy at Lucas Community Hub during the school term, as parents, facilitators and children enjoy Lucas Playgroup.
There’s always some sort of craft activity on the go, Lego is out, playdough is kneaded, Fischer Price toys spark the curiosities of little minds, and if the weather is nice, the sand pit and water play are very popular.
But the weekly gathering isn’t just an opportunity for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers to play and socialise. It’s also a space where parents and carers can relax and chat with likeminded people, establish networks and find support.
Co-facilitators, Tegan Ratcliff and Rebekah Spark are parents themselves. They like that the playgroup is a ‘community group’ in every sense of the phrase.
“The parents enjoy having conversations about parenting. There have been new people that have come along, and it’s been a good way to network,” Mrs Spark said.
“We couldn’t function without the contributions and active involvement of the families who attend. It’s the main reason we are here every week doing what we do and loving it, that and watching the children having so much fun.”
Mrs Spark understands it can be intimidating for parents and carers to introduce themselves to different groups of people, but said the community always excitedly welcomes new faces.
“Tegan and I have both been in that situation, so we know what it’s like and how nerve-wracking it can be. We’re both really aware of that,” she said.
“We’re quite open to even having pregnant mums with their first child.
“We try to be aware of how we set things up, sit together, talk together. We set up a corner so the babies have a bit of space away from the older children and mums with little ones can keep an eye on them.”
If older siblings ever have time away from school, they are also welcome.
The playgroup is now in its second year of operation and Mrs Spark said even she has gained so much as a facilitator.
“Tegan and I work really well together. It’s just been the best thing. We’ve gotten along so well and it’s fantastic to have someone else there to bounce ideas off.
“Playgroups Victoria has also been of tremendous help to us and we are very excited to be working with Maree Ryan to develop a new support network for local community Playgroups,” Mrs Spark said.
“This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet regularly with other facilitators and exchange ideas.”
The Lucas Playgroup meets every Monday morning during the school term from 9.30am to 11.30am. Parents of babies up to pre-schoolers are invited. Find the playgroup in the Lucas Community Hub at the west end of Coltman Plaza, Lucas.
A free music therapy workshop with Sing and Grow, and a free first aid workshop with Parent Medic are coming up this term. Booking is essential and you can find more information at facebook. com/LucasPlaygroup.